This journey began at a World Changers mission trip in Memphis, TN in 1996. God called me into full-time ministry through missions after one of our speakers gave his testimony to wrap up the weeks work. I was moved that week and loved the work. I felt like I had found my place. God called and I said, "Here I am Lord, send me". I went on a 1 month mission trip to Honduras, CA the following summer and haven't been the same since. After 15 years of waiting, praying, searching and wondering if that call was real the Lord has opened a door!
I leave for Lima, Peru on July 17, 2011. I am so excited that this dream, desire, and prayer has finally been answered. Over the past few years I have been so discontent and unsettled. I couldn't figure out why, after all of these years, I still felt so strongly about missions. I found myself praying that God would take the desire away because It was just too painful. I struggled a lot over the past year watching my friends move on, get married, settle down and start families. I wasn't jealous of their marriages but of them being where they wanted to be and accomplishing their dreams.
I have been serving and teaching ever since that trip to Memphis. However, I have always had a vision of ministering overseas, and truth be told it was always to a Spanish speaking culture. Anyone who knows me well knows my love of the Latin culture, especially those who have been Salsa dancing with me. I have always said there is a Latina girl inside me somewhere. My trip to Honduras was the beginning of a great passion and love. I remember crying the day I left and praying that God would give me another chance to go and do ministry.
There have been two specific moments I knew God was reminding me of the call to mission after the initial call in 1996. One was on the beach in LaCeiba, Honduras with missionary families and their children. I had never felt such a strong sense of purpose and sense that I was in the right place. The other was on a mountain in Quito, Ecuador with my Dad. We had been leading worship at a Mission meeting for the missionaries in South America and hiked one afternoon on our tourist day. The view was amazing and I was overwhelmed with the emotion of being back on the field. It was so quiet. All I could think of was a song that we sang at church, "Where you lead, I will follow. Where you lead, I will go; to the top of the mountain or the valley below. Through the changing of seasons to your hand I will hold". Dad took my hand and we began the long walk down the mountain. I wasn't saying anything. Dad turned to me and said, "I know you long to be here and have someone to serve alongside". All I could do was cry. He was right all I have ever longed for was for God to use me and to be a missionary.
I am 31 years old and begin this ministry 4 days after my 32 birthday. I know that the Lord has used this time to prepare me for the journey ahead. I have been teaching and ministering and now have a chance to be teacher and minister all in one.
I will be teaching at the International Christian School in Lima, Peru. This school is supported by a non-profit organization called the Network of International Christian Schools (NICS). This organization believes that a major thrust in evangelism can be done through Christian education. The students in the school are 1/3 Missionary Kids (MK's), 1/3 Claim Christianity as a religion (but do not practice), and 1/3 agnostic (1 muslim). The students are from all over the world and are known as Third Culture Kids (TCK's). I will receive special training on TCK's when I leave for Pre-Field Orientation (PFO) in June. These children have a unique set of issue and perspective on the world and often struggle. I have seen this struggle and feel called to love on these children. The schools director said they had 23 professions of faith last school year and 12 so far this year (out of a total enrollment of 150). One of the first things the director asked me was if I had ever led anyone to the Lord. He said that I would get the opportunity if I came to teach with them. After talking with a few of the current staff members I know that they really minster and disciple their students. I cannot wait to go and serve!!!
So...things have been moving quickly over the past couple of weeks. I have signed a 2 year contract, become an official project with NICS, signed up for Pre-Field Orientation, ordered my first set of prayer support cards, and become a blogger (something I never thought I would do). Trying to keep up with both of my jobs and responsibilities as well as preparing to go is tough but I am so excited!
Blessings for today, Marissa
Trip pics!
10 years ago