Thursday, June 30, 2011

Where I've Been, Where I Am, and Where I'm Going

Greeting from Pre Field training in Mississippi. I never in all my wildest dreams imagined that this time would be like this. I've only been here for 4 days and it feels like an eternity.

I spent the 2 weeks before I left for Mississippi with 2 dear friends The Turner's and the Alley's. I was so blessed by my time with these dear friends. Bobby and Christine gave me so much grace with my crazy busy schedule. That is precious time I know I can't ever get back. Amy and Joel threw a big sending off party that was so beautiful.  I spent the weekend before orientation with the Boyd family. It was so wonderful to see my sweet friends Robin and Coleman and their 6 precious children. Their family was a blessing and encouragement to me the couple days I was with them.

I am so excited but am so overwhelmed by all the important information and the new relationships I am forming. Yesterday I found out who my roommate will be in Peru. She has a puppy, she lives within walking distance of the school, and I think she is pretty close to my age. Her name is Yvonne. I am so excited!! I emailed her and am anxiously waiting to hear back :-)... I guess it is ok to use smiley face symbols in blogs and not just text messages.

Yesterday we heard from the president and founder of NICS, Joe Hale. He is the neatest man and told us the story of how NICS was founded. I don't believe there were many dry eyes in the place. I have to tell you that God's hand is all over this organization. It was the Lord's plan from the beginning. We visited the home office today and have met the staff over the past few days. There are so many amazing godly leaders who work for the Lord. It is humbling and over whelming to hear to stories of how God is working in the lives of teachers, students, and families all over the world. The gospel is being shared and lives are being changed. I am so happy to be a part of this work. I love hearing all the Third Culture Kids stories. I love hearing the life changes happening in the young people who have been a part of the NICS schools all over the world.

I have met some of the staff already serving in Lima as well as the other new folks coming in with me. It is so neat to see how God has been working in all of our lives to prepare us for this time and for this work. I am getting so excited about what life will be like in Lima!!

Despite all of the excitement there are also moments of sadness and frustration with this major life transition. I missed the birth of my nephew, Finley Elliot. I missed the week he was in the NICU and I won't be there for his surgery next week. I miss sleeping in a regular bed. I miss showering in a normal shower relatively close to where I sleep. I miss being outside. I miss being active during the day. All of it really silly but when it all adds up it can be overwhelming.  I miss the familiar. I miss community. All of this is so worth what we are being prepared to do and small on the scale of necessary and I'm pretty sure it will be harder once I arrive in Peru. I've been told it will be the hardest year of my life.  I'll leave you with this word from 1 Peter.

 1 Peter 1:1-2 " Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To God's elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, though the sanctifying work of the spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood. Grace and peace be yours in abundance".

I've learned that this was written to people like me. People who are scattered out of obedience to Christ. I am called to be a part of a people who choose another land to live their life out in service to Christ and the spreading of his Gospel.

1 Peter 1:6-7 "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith- of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire- may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."

I have learned that these trials and the ones to come are placed in my life for a purpose. I will gladly walk the path Christ has laid out for me, trials and all.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Over the past 5 or so months it has been amazing to see the outpouring of support from family, friends, my church, co-workers, students and random strangers. Everyone seems to know someone who is in Peru, has been to Peru, or just knows a lot about Peru. People have been handing me cards and slips of paper all with a contact of someone I can connect with when I get to Lima. I have stuffed my brain with as much as information as possible and think the rest will just have to come when I get there.

The past 5 months have been a whirlwind.

There have been times when concerns over finances or worrying if I could get paperwork done and in a timely manner would totally consume me. The Lord has taken every concern or worry and ushered it out the door like yesterday's trash. My spirit is overwhelmed with the peace of our Heavenly Father and his lavish provision, grace, and faithfulness. Here is one small example of how the Lord has provided. A week ago I was at a restaurant buying dinner for myself and a friend. On the way there I remembered I had a gift card for the restaurant and got really excited. When it was time to pay the gift card covered all but chump change. I didn't have the cash to cover it so I handed the girl at the counter my Debit card. It is important to not at this point that I was picking up the take-out from the bar. While I waited for my dinner there was a man sitting beside me having his night cap and playing trivia, it was obvious he had been there for a while if you catch my drift. He apparently had been watching and when I handed the girl my debit card to pay for the balance of my bill this man intercepted it with cash and said, "Oh no, let me". I am here to tell you that God cares about even the little things and will provide for us even through the most unlikely means.

I have been learning so much about trust and fully relying on God in everything. I asked God to help me make a phone call today to the insurance company about needing a 6 month prescription authorization at 5:30pm. Prayed I could talk to a human and get it done tonight.  I was off the phone in just a few minutes. Or when I stood in line a the post office while everyone tried to figure out how to fill an M-Bag hoping the two 24 pound bags wouldn't cost a fortune. I prayed the whole way there it wouldn't be more than $200. When the total rang up $197.37 I almost cried right there in front of the awkward man helping me. 

I am just 7 days away from the 2 week Pre-Field orientation in Mississippi and almost one month until I am on the plane to Peru. I am so excited!! I covet your prayers as I begin this major life change.

You know what I am most excited about? I am so excited that I get to teach music and Jesus at the same time. I'm not just saying that because my new job title is missionary. The coolest thing this week was reading the notes my students wrote to me in the journal one of my students passed around the whole school as a gift for me. I was never able to stand up and openly share my faith at school. In their notes I knew they could tell something was different about me. I am so excited to be able to share what makes me different and that is JESUS! I'm not just excited about the teaching aspect of my job. I am excited to get plugged in to a local church and serve. I am excited to get involved in the community. I am just plain excited!!! I know it will be hard. I know I will miss my people here like crazy but I know I am going to do what God has called me to do. That my friends is exciting.

I kind of feel like Rudy Ruettiger in the movie RUDY, one of my all time favorite movies. He tried for years to get on the Notre Dame football team as a walk on. He was really small and not that great. He basically allowed himself to be a practice punching bag for all the real players. He finally got his chance the last game of his eligible season. He got out on the field and was running around. He was so excited he didn't now what to do. I hope I know what to do (smile, wink).
