Sunday, September 25, 2011

Is September really almost over?

Every day I find myself feeling more comfortable calling South America home. I am officially a Peruvian resident. This means that when I leave SA and enter the US I will need my passport and carnet, my Peruvian ID. As comfortable as I am I still have moments where it doesn't seem real, like I'm dreaming. I am so grateful for this dream. I am grateful even when things are hard because I know it could be harder.

What is God doing? He is STRETCHING me and I mean stretching. It isn't like the stretches you do before a workout that make you feel good. They are the kind of stretches you would do to create an extra  appendage, make you 5 inches taller, or have an extra rib or something. It is the kind of stretch that hurts but you know you need it, for a reason unknown by you. It is the kind of stretch you don't see coming.

School is great! Nothing is ever perfect and as with any new job and position for me I begin dreaming and getting a picture in my head of what it can be one day. I'm a builder and a dreamer. I pray that I can let go of my vision and let God be the visionary. Every day I am grateful that he brought me to this place and to a group of people who love the Lord, pray for students, and genuinely pour into their lives. We have Spiritual Emphasis Week this week. Please pray for students who have not yet committed their life to Christ and for those who have and are struggling. Pray that the Lord will do a mighty work this week!

I've been going to different churches in the area every week. I've already visited all the churches with English services and am now visiting Spanish speaking churches. Today and last week I went to a church called Camino de Vida. I really like this church and really feel at home. Before I came to Peru all I heard was don't try to find a church like you had at home. After going to this church I said, "Does it count if I found one like my church when I wasn't looking?". It is a fantastic church with awesome worship and solid biblical teaching. Services are in Spanish but this is a bonus because it will help me learn and speak better Spanish. I am able to get things out of the sermon and don't feel totally lost. Some days it is easier to translate than others, depending on who is speaking (in any church). Bummer...It takes about 45 minutes via bus and combi to get there. A combi is a small van crammed with a ton of people. A man hangs out the side window calling out where they are going. This call almost sounds like a song to me and I am often distracted my the rhythm and cantor and cannot understand what they say. If you want to go there you wave them down and hop on. You are lucky if they slow down to a stop for you to get on and wait until you are seated before they go. Friends, you know I like this church when I am willing to ride a bus and a combi to get there. I am not a fan of public transportation in the this is a stretch. Combi's are so uncomfortable for this large Norte Americana. I have to sit sideways because my legs will not fit behind the seat. If you don't get a seat you have to stoop while you hold on to whatever you can so you don't fall all over the place. It is truly a cultural experience and the cheapest way to get around. One trip is 50 centimos or 18 cents. Back to church...they have 5, 000 members and a ton of services and opportunities to get plugged in. The pastor started 2 orphanages and gives wheelchairs to handicapped people. They have a huge heart for social injustice, are very active in sharing Jesus so he can change peoples lives, and planting churches.  I know I need to keep looking but I really feel like this is a place I could settle. Plus...the man sitting beside me today invited me to his house to have dinner with he and his wife. Did I mention their praise choir practices on Tuesday night? I wonder if they practice jumping on stage like they did today and last week during worship? It was awesome! I'm going to keep praying and seeking where God wants me to be.

I learned the district I live in, Miraflores, is approximately 3.7 miles with app. 85,000 people. This is why it is so easy to walk everywhere, bonus. It is amazes me how big 3.5 miles can seem. Most people have a dog here. As it turns out I like dogs when living in the US where they have space and grass to roam in and use the bathroom. Not so much when 85,000 people live within 3.5 miles and there is no animal control, there are no dog parks, or waste disposal systems. No wonder we can't drink the water. I struggle with sanitary conditions here for that reason alone. I am really sensitive to it right now and hope this will change over time, but I'm not sure. I have always been an animal lover and wanted a dog for a long time. Living here has taken away my love of animals. Strange.

I went to the movies on Saturday night with another teacher friend. As we walked up to the entrance of the mall I heard, "Miss Parsons!". Now it feels like home. Hearing "Miss Parsons!" while I'm out and about on a weekend in a district of 85,000 people feels strangely normal. Strangely normal...this is a new description for how life is right now. Things are strange but becoming a new normal.

Here is a song we have sung at church the past 2 weeks. I love it and God has used it in the stretching. Read the lyrics in English but listen in Spanish (the link is below text). Con todo Dios.

With Everything :

Open our hearts,
To see the things
That make Your heart cry,
To be the church
The You would desire.
Light to be seen.

Break down our pride,
And all the walls
We've built up inside,
Our earthly crowns
And all our desires,
We lay at Your feet.

So let hope rise,
And darkness tremble
In Your holy light,
And every eye will see
Jesus, our God,
Great and mighty to be praised.

God of all days,
Glorious in all of Your ways.
Your majesty, the wonder and grace,
In the light of Your name.

With everything,
With everything,
We will shout for your glory.

With everything,
With everything,
We will shout forth your praise.

Our hearts will cry
Be glorified,
Be lifted high,
Above all names.
For You our King,
With everything,
We will shout forth your praise.