Well...it is well past time to write. I originally started this blog to keep supporters updated on things that were happening with ministry. Ministry updates now happen through other methods in case you were wondering. Every time I sit down to write it turns into therapeutic writing and far more personal and deeper heart feelings that I am unable to get out otherwise. Somehow putting my thoughts into cyber space is easier than verbally processing. A moment for the shock to absorb for those that know me well.
1. Military . a vacation or leave of absence granted to an enlisted person.
a usually temporary layoff from work: Many plant workershave been forced to go on furlough.
a temporary leave of absence authorized for a prisonerfrom a penitentiary.
My definition of furlough comes from our families missionary friends definition and aligns most closely with definition number 1. I listed the others because I thought it was funny. This is my second furlough after beginning my service in Peru. Second...wow crazy to think that this is my second in one year some missionaries have to wait years for a furlough. I am so grateful. I was able to come visit for Christmas and now for US summer. The most difficult thing about my time in the US is that I split that time between North Carolina and Virginia. You see I have family in both places and I couldn't imagine coming here and not being with one or the other. My natural family is in Virginia and my adoptive families and sending church are in North Carolina. I end up splitting the time pretty evenly between both and my heart in three places. Three? Yes, North Carolina, Virginia, and Peru.
The first time around was really tough on me personally. I put a ton of pressure on myself to see everyone I could and the best way was to car trip and stay a couple of days with one family at a time. By the time I returned to VA for my trip back to Lima I was ready for a vacation. I tried to make up for 6 months of relationships in 2 weeks, impossible and exhausting. I also think I was in a little bit of transitional fog.
This time around I decided to stay in one persons home and do day trips with people. I ended up really getting to spend the same amount of quality time without moving around so much night after night. It seems to be better but I have to say I am still ending up with a broken heart not getting to spend enough time with my dear friends.
I have the most fantastic, supportive, loving group of friends who have poured over heaps of prayer, love, and patience with me over this year. I am leaving NC this weekend feeling so much love and support.
I distinctly remember one youth group lock-in when I was in Middle School. Oh yeah I am going there. Stick with me this is good.
My family had just moved to Greensboro, NC from Greenville, SC and I had started my 6th grade year in a new city. Needless to say I recall this transition being very difficult on everyone. I remember our first summer there how my sister, mom, and myself would talk about going back to SC because none of us liked NC. I was an awkward, low self-esteem kinda kid and didn't make friends easily. I was kinda shy. Another moment to pause for those that know me now to get over the shock. Well it was true. Middle School is a tough time for everyone and it was especially hard for me. I remember never feeling like I had friends and being so frustrated with the drama Middle School girls created. I would go sit in the nursery and rock babies when I would get frustrated with youth group stuff. Back to the lock-in I mentioned. It was my first lock-in and drama started to occur with girls in our youth group. I vividly remember thinking this is not what friendship was supposed to be like. I had not accepted Christ at this point and was still very much searching. I remember sitting down praying with my bible looking up every reference on the word "friend" I could find in my concordance. I wanted to know what God had to say about friendship.
Proverbs 17:17
"A friend loves at all times, and is born, as is a brother, for adversity."
Proverbs 27:17
"Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."
These were the first 2 scriptures I found. I will never forget it and have searched for it and strived for it my whole life. I know without a shadow of a doubt that God answered that prayer so long ago. I am blessed to have friends that are what these 2 scriptures say a friend is.
To my soul sisters (and the brothers who now come with the sisters) you know who you are:
You are a forever part of my heart. No matter where the Lord takes me or how little time we are able to spend together I carry you in my heart. I carry the prayer times, laughs, hugs, movie nights, road trips, talks, amazing meals, and most importantly the incredible gift of seeing you develop into amazing godly single women and men, godly wives and husbands, and super hero moms and dads. Thank you for sharpening my countenance on this furlough.
I haven't even gotten to spend much time with my family yet...I'll just have to keep those thoughts to the closest place in my heart. I have used almost a whole box of Kleenex writing this post...just so you know.
To know that Jesus is the reason that I even get to enjoy some part of this on this side of glory is all a part of Gods lavish love for his children.
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