Saturday, August 6, 2011

Picture Post

Hello Friends and Family!

As with all of my posts from Peru please be gracious with my editing issues. When I do spell check it thinks I should be writing in Spanish so everything is highlighted yellow. I proof read and re-read but sometimes I just have to click Publish Post and be done with it.

I thought I would give you a tour of where I live. I hope you enjoy seeing pictures and that it will help frame the picture of what is happening here in Peru.

This is the view when you walk into the apartment. The apartment has been lived in by the same 2 girls for the past 3 years or so which is why it is so well established. It allowed me to feel somewhat settled because everything was already here. My roommate's name is Yvonne DelSanto a super sweet person.

This is the view going into the kitchen. You know what it says on the side mirror of your car? Objects may be larger than they appear. This is not true in this case. I can touch the ceiling without really stretching and the sink is below my waist :-)

Kitchen really have to be creative with storage (laundry is off to the left).

View from the roof of our building. Interesting fact, Peruvians love their dogs. You see them all over the city both on and off leash. Remember I live in a busy part of town...really busy. One night we were walking to a coffee shop and I saw a lady with a Golden retriever off leash. She stopped, looked at the dog and said, "Ok, which way do you want to go?". The dog walked toward the street and she followed.   This was on a busy 4 lane divided street that I have to cross with extreme caution because pedestrians don't have the right of way. While I was out on the roof taking this picture I saw 2 large Husky type dogs on a roof a few buildings over. What were they doing you say? Probably going potty or having "yard" play time. Here the roof is the yard and potty for dogs. Needless to say since I found this out I don't go up there much. There are not any of the nice doggy trash bags stands around for you to clean up after you dog. You just have to watch where you step when you are walking around the city.

This is the Malecon. It is a park that runs along the coast line in Miraflores, really a nice place. We saw a giant pillow fight there one day. Not to far of a walk from my apartment.

Another Malecon pic :-)

Another view from another missionary apartment that is on the 5th floor a couple blocks from my building.

I hope you get a good idea of where I am. I will post more as life begins to take shape and school life isn't as consuming. It has been a whirlwind but very good. Please continue to pray that the Lord will guide by His Spirit and through his word. Pray that I will rely on His strength and not my own. School started this week and I felt like it was a good start. As with anything new there are challenges but I know the Lord is in control!

Blessings for today

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